E-Learning System of the College
This facility is available for our college students with the application of Learning Management System. This is done in three ways:-
1) The students can download their study materials from our college Web-Portal by using their specific log-in Ids and Passwords as provided by the college to each of them. These study materials are uploaded by the teachers according to the syllabi of specific semesters.
2) E-Classroom method (Virtual Classroom) -Students can attend classes through Web- Cam by staying at home with prior information from available teachers and make interactions with the latter up to satisfactory level.
3) Discussions and healthy interactions on study matters through WhatsApp. Groups or e-mails or Uploaded videos (By teachers).
Even on-line examinations are also held off and on to get feed-back from the students, when some chapters of the syllabus are completed through these above methods of e-learning.